Heat Exchangers

Bundle Assembly

Units Ready for Shipment

136″ Diameter Machining Capabilities

Multiple State of the Art CNC Machining Centers

Shipment of Heat Exchangers

Quality Assurance Inspection of a Stainless Steel Tube Sheet
Ward Vessel & Exchanger can meet all of your needs for shell and tube heat exchangers. Our design and fabrication facilities offer fast, efficient and cost-effective designs. We use B-JAC* (Aspen Technologies) for thermal rating and mechanical designs. Our state-of-the-art automatic tubesheet drilling equipment is accurate to 0.0002″. We offer all standard TEMA configurations including P, S, T and W types designed in accordance to ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 and TEMA C, B and R requirements. Shell sizes range from 4″ up to 144″ in diameter and design pressures from full vacuum to 5000 PSI.
Special fabrication requirements such as welded tube ends and stress relieving are also available in addition to the list below.
- ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1
- ASME U Stamp & NBIC R Certificate
- TEMA class B, C & R
- Shell and Tube
- Standard TEMA configurations
- Retubing and repair
- Fixed Tubesheet design
- Floating Tubesheet design
- U-tube design (Removable Coils)
- Bayonet Type Heaters / Coolers
- Internal / External prate Coils
*B-JAC is a registered trademark of Aspen Technologies, Inc.
We can repair or retube your shell and tube heat exchangers.
From day jobs to large jobs, Ward Vessel & Exchanger’s field crews will meet your highest expectations.
- ASME U Stamp & NBIC R Certificate
- On-site vessel Modifications/Alterations/Weld Repair
- Heat exchanger repairs (re-tube, tube rolling and welding)
Learn more about our Repair Services