Mechanical Integrity (MI) can be defined as the management of critical process equipment to ensure it is designed and installed correctly and that it is operated and maintained properly. MI…
Back in November and December, in our “Some Equipment Cannot Be Saved” thread, we discussed ongoing work on a stainless steel pressure vessel that suffered from significant Stress Corrosion Cracking…
Heat Exchanger Re-Tube Gone Bad, Then Good Again. As we have been discussing, there are times when it is not possible to effectively repair a piece of equipment. This particular…
Last month, we talked about how some equipment just can’t be revived. Recently, Ward was asked to help a good customer with a leaking half pipe on a pressure vessel…
Recently, a customer sent in two heat exchangers for what they hoped was a partial re-tube. The process had seen small amounts of shell-side water, so they knew there was…
#7 – Poor Design “Poor Design” could mean a lot of things in the world of heat exchangers. It’s critical to understand all the things that factor into the design…